How Hartford Life and Other Insurance Companies Tricked their Agents and Got People in Trouble with the IRS -

How Hartford Life and Other Insurance Companies Tricked their Agents and Got People in Trouble with the IRS -

Agents from Hartford and other insurance companies were shown ways to sell large life insurance policies. This “Welfare Benefit Trust 419 plan or 412i plan should be shown to their profitable small business owners as a cure for paying too much taxes.

A Welfare Benefit Trust 419 plan essentially works like this:

• The business provides a fringe benefit for their employees, such as health insurance and life insurance.

• The benefit is established in the name of a trust and funded with a cash value life insurance policy

• Here is the gravy: the entire amount deposited into the trust (insurance policy) is tax deductible to the company,and

• The owners of the company can withdraw the cash value from the policy in later years tax-free.
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    Lance Wallach Dec 29, 2010 | Comment (1)

    Parts of this article are from the book by John Wiley and Sons, Protecting Clients from Fraud, Incompetence and Scams, authored by Lance Wallach.

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